Feb 25 2017 Meeting
So here's a quick rundown of our meeting.
First I would like to say that we are planning another meeting in approximately one month, we will have new people show up a half hour early to review some of what we went through at this meeting.
I won't go into too much detail here but it all seemed to go pretty well, we had 10 people show up, and most people are interested in continuing. The next meeting will focus on marketing, with some more time for questions and ideas.
Most of what you need to know of the plan is on our website and there's an introductory video there as well. At this last meeting I spent most of the time discussing the history that brings this up till now, which I will repeat at the beginning of the next meeting.
The big news is, up till now it has been difficult to get people on the topic of changing democracy, it's even harder when we are talking about a worldwide system, but now there are two new players in the game.
The global challenges foundation of Stockholm Sweden has announced a contest, its offering $5 million for a plan to install world democracy, we are entering.
Mark Zuckerberg has announced plans to develop a means for world democracy with Facebook.
So now we have a goal to win our funding, and we have a competitor who is helping to bring about discussion, but at the same time they're providing us with an example that we can be compared with.
Facebook is a corporation, we will be a transparent and publicly owned institution. We will have the superior system and the moral high ground.
I encourage you to have a look at our website and video if you have not already, and I look forward to meeting you at the next meeting which should be scheduled shortly.
I'm providing you with a link to our website, and the link to the contest, and a link to an article about Mark Zuckerberg's open letter.
Thank you,
Brian Charlebois.